EON Project Managers value working in partnership with other agencies and organisations delivering complementary services to our remote communities. Mutually beneficial collaborations include the delivery of joint classes and health/nutrition workshops, school holiday programs, training programs and the sharing of professional knowledge and resources.
It has been exciting to develop a range of partnerships with Aboriginal-owned corporations and associations, and to successfully collaborate with Community Development Program (CDP) providers, across Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
Our valued collaborative partners include:
- Foodbank WA
- Pilbara Population Health
- Northern Regional TAFE
- Nindilingarri Health Services
- Mission Australia
- Child Australia
- Boab Health
- Yulella Aboriginal Corporation
- Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation
- Sunrise Health Service Aboriginal Corporation
- Foodladder
- Families as First Teachers (FaFT)
- Jilkmingann Community Aboriginal Corporation
- Rise Ventures
- Roper Gulf Regional Council
- Alawa Aboriginal Corporation
- Stronger Communities for Children
- Yugul Mangi Development Aboriginal Corporation
“Collaboration between our organisations serves to strengthen and reinforce the message about healthy eating.”
– Foodbank WA Team