“It has been an excellent year for EON at Barunga.”
– Project Manager, Central Arnhem (NT)
Our new Community Assistant Shanelle Bowden is an avid gardener and loves learning about seasonal growing and sowing. Her assistance in delivering classes has helped encourage other members of the community to join in.
The newly established fruit orchard has 27 fruit and bush tucker trees; the whole community is looking forward to seeing this space produce a large harvest in the coming years.
The pre-school to Year 2 classes have a new area EON has cleared for them in order to provide them with their own smaller garden beds. We have used these in lessons on planting and harvesting at the right times- an important lesson as the little ones were getting over- excited in the main garden and were picking all the fruits and vegetables before they were ripe!
It has been wonderful to see the children learning how to grow their own healthy fresh food.
They love to watch and learn about the growth cycle of the plants and are excited to be digging up the sweet potatoes as they become ready for harvest.
We are awaiting the arrival of Ngrungalung Rise to start a new community garden and orchard in the community. Everyone is keen for this project to commence.