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Meet Shannon Simpson from Yalgoo

Shannon Simpson is our Community Assistant in Yalgoo, in the mid-west region of WA.  Shannon was born in Geraldton and raised in Yalgoo.  She was a student at the Yalgoo Primary School where she works today, assisting with the delivering of the Thriving Communities Program.

Working alongside EON Project Manager, Sally Dighton,  Shannon delivers cooking classes to the students, teaching them about healthy food choices.

Assisting with garden classes, where the students learn about planting and harvesting,  Shannon also helps Sally with garden maintenance, learning “on the job” skills such as how to install reticulation.

Shannon particularly enjoys working with the children in her community. As she comes from a family of 8 children, including a youngest sibling aged 3, she has plenty of experience!

When not working with EON, Shannon enjoys spending time relaxing in the garden and taking walks around town.

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